Alright folks! You finally get to see it. Here is the official trailer for Out of Darkness Rising! If you enjoyed watching it, like the video on youtube or leave a comment! :)
Thanks to Adam Terrell at ngvideoproductions for filming and editing the trailer, and to Jon Maiocco for composing the awesome music! And thanks to all the wonderful actors and people who helped out behind scenes. Couldn’t have done it without any of y’all.
Augh, how did you get so awesome?! XD
Great job, I loved it! If you still have contact with the other people involved, let them know they did a great job too. XD
Endurance and victory!
– Eru Brightsword –
Weehoo! Going to watch this right now! :D
Music, costumes, setting, photographic work … eeee! I want to read this book of yours more than ever now! :D
Epic. Nothing more remains to be said.
That was AWESOME!!! the acting was excellent too
Squeeee! That was so great, Gillian! It makes me want to read your book. Good job acting, too. You amaze me.
Makes me want to drag my sword out of the closet, throw on my cape, and do battle with serpents! How long did this take to put together?
Thank you everyone for the encouragement! I'm super excited about how it turned out.
@ Eru – I will! None of them had seen it yet so they were all looking forward to it. :)
@ Yaasha – The actual filming only took one day, but the costume/video prep stuff took a couple of weeks before the filming and then the post work and editing took a while too!
How much did it cost you, approximately? Me and a group of friends have wanted to do short movies or commercials for books before, but we don't know how much it costs roughly.
Good job, Gillian and crew! You guys did a great job! Filming and music was fantastic as well.
I really look forward to your book!
I already commented on the Go Teen Writers Facebook group, but that was incredible. I found your blog by the link at the end of the trailer :)
@ Eru – Honestly the equipment is one of the greatest expenses – cameras, software, etc. It's all out of my area of expertise and I didn't have any of the equipment or know-how, so I hired a friend to take care of all that for me! :) He did a tremendous job!
Costumes are another expense, but I already had some and the rest I was able to make pretty cheaply – you just have to think outside the box when it comes to your fabric!
@ Hannah – Thanks! It was so much fun. Did you recognize the cape and dress?
@ Nick – Great! Thanks for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed the trailer!
Thanks so much, that really helps! : D
Fantastic trailer! I got chills at some parts. <—-and that's a good thing. Can't wait to read the book!
Looks awesome! Can't wait to read it.