At the end of the summer, I wrote a post about coming home from a summer full of grand adventures. I wrote about how to me home is the Shire and camp is Narnia.
Well, I’ve received the call as it were, and the time has come for me to head back. To set off on a new adventure. To leave the Shire behind.
I have a new job.
I’ll be working full time at camp as a ministry specialist, overseeing the horse program, writing Bible Dramas, and who knows what-other-awesome-stuff! If I could have dreamed up a job for myself … well, suffice it to say it would have looked a lot like this.
So, I’m currently in the middle of packing and loading up and transporting one life to a new one. It always sounds easier than it actually is. At the moment, my room bears a distinct resemblance to a town decimated by a Kansas tornado.
I do have a sneaky sort of suspicion that packing up might be a whole lot easier if I didn’t have such an extensive library! But honestly … what is one supposed to do?
I intend to continue my writing of course. (Packing up my desk … now there’s a chore I’m not looking forward to!) The first draft of The Epic of Aedonia is forging ahead like a runaway forest fire. I don’t think I could stop writing it if I tried … or if I did, the characters would appear to me in my dreams and haunt my sleep.
But generally speaking, I’m afraid posts are going to become somewhat sporadic on here over the next couple of weeks. Well, that is to say, more sporadic than usual. Adventures of this sort tend to be a bit time consuming. I’ve got to get moved in and settle into my new job and everything that entails … so the blog will have to scoot to the back burner for a week or two.
After that, I should be back on track, and we’ll be able to get back to our typical fantasy musings, character in costumes challenges, quizzes, reviews, etc.
Providing of course, I remember to pack my pocket handkerchiefs! :)
WOW! Congratulations! That's so exciting for you! God's blessings on your adventure ahead!
"Adventures are funny things…"
Wow, you're going into the land of the Horse Lords? It's not the same camp where Aragorn took off into the paths of the dead is it? Prayers for you.
Hope you have a blast, Gillian. (Aside, for whenever you get back to blogging-land, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog: )