This is it, folks. Adios. I’m going dark for a few days.
You may hear back from me soon. You may not. Obviously I can’t tell you anything about where I am going or what I am doing, since my mission is top secret, and if I told you, I’d have to kill you.
And killing one’s readers – I am told – should be avoided at all costs.
Just thought I should give you a heads up, since I have no doubt most of you wait by your computer on the days I typically post, clicking refresh, to see if there’s a new Fantasy Reflection Question or 101 guide. Wait … what’s that? You don’t?
Odd. Ah well, I suppose there has to be at least one abnormal reader in every group.
As I said, I’m going dark for a wee bit, after which I shall return – supposing I survive, of course – but to avoid turning this blog into a complete ghost town while I’m gone, and since I won’t be able to post my normal Fantasy Reflections question on Friday, I’ve decided to pose a question now:
Now’s your time to weigh in. I’ve got a running list going, but I could use some fresh ideas as well! Share your idea in the comments, and if I decide to use it, I will be sure to acknowledge your creativity! :)
Don’t forget to enter into the giveaway for Donita K. Paul’s Dreamtreaders! It’s open for a little while longer.
So long for now, folks. See you in a few! :)
Noooo you can't do this to us! D: Please survive and return! What would I do without my favorite fantasy Gillian? *panics and sends Aragorn after you to ensure you make it back*
(Oh, and my sis has this suggestion for a question: What fantasy villain would you least want to be captured by.)
Well, I made it back safely! (Due in no small part to the unexpected but ultimately very timely arrival of Aragorn who helped me fight off a hundred Uruk-hai and complete my mission!)
Ooh, thank your sister for me! That's a great suggestion! I'll have to add that one to the list.
I'll miss you, Gillian! Thanks for letting us know.
Question suggestion: what fantasy power would you most/least like to have?
Another good one. Thanks for the suggestion, Sarah!
Aw, I'll miss you, Gillian! I was just thinking, "I wonder what Fantasy question Gillian will have for me on Friday…" Sniff, sniff. But have fun on your top-secret mission.
What doomed (or tormented) fantasy character would you most like to swoop in and rescue (never mind whether they would appreciate it or not)?
Hmm, I especially like the last part of that question: "never mind whether they would appreciate it or not." That's definitely something to consider. I feel like there's quite a few characters who wouldn't much like it if you swooped in and rescued them. ;) That or it would just be plain dangerous – Turin comes to mind.
Which fantasy character (If you where in trouble) would you most like to be saved by?
By Gillian!! Just as I was really starting to hang out at your blog here too. Good luck on your mission. :)
Good one! I'm glad you've started hanging out over here! It's always fun to meet more fantasy lovers. :)
Hope you're not gone long!! Safe journey!
And I think a great fantasy reflection should be something dealing with vilians!
And I'm back again! Thankfully, we were not waylaid by trolls, spiders, or wargs, so the trip flew by quicker than expected. Construction zones did hold us up a wee bit – personally I'm convinced they were caused by Saruman expanding the desolation surrounding Isengard, but you might not want to quote me on that. Could cause a panic. ;)
Villains, you say? *rubs hands together* What villainous sorts of fantasy reflections can I come up with? Pray excuse me an evil chuckle!