Aye, you heard me right. Since When Destiny Comes Calling is on a bi-weekly schedule, the next installment is not due until next Friday. But I thought ’twould be a cruel and unusual punishment to force all of you to simply forget about poor Alexander and Destiny and Fate—and the as of yet undetermined mysterious new character—until then. I’m not that heartless.
So I started a new Pinterest board that’s currently sadly in need of pins, and that is where you, my dear friends, come in. On the off Fridays, I intend to issue you a challenge to scour the web for a setting, character photo, or scene you would love to see play out, and post it on the Inspiration Board for When Destiny Comes Calling—giving proper credit and attribution, of course.
I think it’ll be loads of fun. It’ll help spark my imagination when it comes time to pen the next installment and help me to see what you are picturing. And it’ll help y’all visualize the story and have fun finding and posting pictures—because let’s just face it, one could lose hours of one’s life browsing Pinterest and scarce notice it.
Ready to get started? This week, I’m looking for character pictures of both Destiny and Alexander Mitus Scott Beauford III. Not looking for Fate yet or the baby emperor, so hold onto any fabulous images you find and save them for a later date. You may want to refer to previous installments to verify any setting/timeframe/character description details I’ve snuck in there without your noticing…
How do you post to the board? I’m so glad you asked. The easiest way is if we both follow each other’s Pinterest boards—otherwise it gets way complicated.
If you already follow my boards, just leave a comment with a link to your Pinterest account so I can follow you as well. After that, I can invite you to the group board and then you’ll be able to post! If you haven’t yet followed my Pinterest account, make sure you start there otherwise I won’t be able to send you an invite. Happy photo hunting!
Mission accepted. : )
You're invited! :)
I have two; Kristana Aleman or Krissy Blake. You can invite one or both.
Krissy, I didn't realize at first that the best way to join a group board is for both of us to follow each other's accounts. I just followed your boards. If you'll follow mine, I should be able to send you an invite!
You have been followed! :)
What a fantabulous idea! You're always doing something fun for us readers. ;)
My username is C C and I would love to be invited. :)
Sent your invite!
my pinterest account username is aleaharper. I would love to be invited!!!
Yay! Sent you an invite. :)
My family been praying for you ever since we heard about your accident a couple months ago. Are you well now?
By the way, I love your stories and your blog. :-)
Elizabeth Russell
Thanks so much, Elizabeth. I really appreciate that! I am getting well. Finally able to get back to doing a lot of the things that I love. The Lord has been so gracious to me this whole time.
I'm glad you stopped by the blog! :)
Erm… Here is a link to my account: http://www.pinterest.com/shadowmelon/
Sent you an invitation! :)
This is such a fun idea! I will have to see if I have time to join in