Well, ladies and gents, March is here. BOOK TWO of the Songkeeper Chronicles has been turned in, Out of Darkness Rising is about to release, and I’m about to start the initial writing stages for BOOK THREE.
I’m not entirely sure why March and Allegorical Fantasy seem to go together, though I think perhaps it has something to with how the expression below reminds me of both names and allegorical representations of Jesus. “In like a lion … out like a lamb.” The Lion of Judah. The Lamb of God. Aslan.
Perhaps it’s just me.
In any case, I settled on Allegorical Fantasy for March and decided to start off the month with another giveaway for Out of Darkness Rising, my allegorical fantasy novella that’s releasing in less than two weeks! So, if you missed out on a chance to win Out of Darkness Rising last time, this could be your lucky day! Enter through the Rafflecopter below. I’m offering a paperback copy for the US and ebook copies for any international winners. But first, make sure you read through the end to get a sneak peak into the book … Yes, my lovelies, you did read that right!
Darkness reigns unchallenged.
For the villagers on the accursed Island, life has only one meaning – death. Bound to the Island by the curse, the villagers suffer beneath the iron claw of the Serpent, daily breathing the poison of his breath and dying to appease his insatiable appetite.
When Marya’s parents are slain by the serpent for their belief in a legendary king, she becomes an outcast. Struggling to survive and avoid the vengeance of the Tribunal, Marya is torn between legend and the harsh reality of the Island. Yet when a forgotten promise springs to life, she cannot help wondering if the old stories might in fact be true. And if they are, will the promise prove stronger than the curse?
Meet the Author
This is where I would normally introduce you to a new author, but since you’re here on my blog, I assume you already know at least a little bit about me. So instead of my usual bio, I thought it would be fun to share a few things you may not know about me. Warning: expect randomness and much tongue-in-cheek to ensue …
- Dr. Pepper is the way to my heart. Not seriously. But almost. Hand me an ice cold Dr. Pepper on a hot day (or a cold day for that matter) and we will almost certainly be friends.
- As a member of a little bitty volunteer fire department in a little bitty rural area, I’ve learned that fire and the 4th of July tend to go together, which in Texas means a lot of sweating in your gear.
- I cannot count the number of times I’ve fallen off my horse … on purpose! *grins* Really! My horse and I have a penchant for drama, so in the past, I’ve taken to using him in western skits where I enjoy playing the bad guy who gets shot off and dies dramatically at the end. So much fun!
(The first time we did the skit, my horse started nudging me while I was lying on the ground – so cute! After that, he figured it out and just gave me an annoyed look whenever I came off. Yes, he has a lot of personality.) - I would be perfectly happy living in a tiny cabin in the woods. If I wasn’t a writer, I wouldn’t even care so much about whether it had electricity or not. I once fell in love with a house that had a roof full of … unplanned … skylights. Cutest thing ever. In need of much tender loving care.
- I think you folks are the coolest people ever!
Betrayal. The word had a pleasant ring to it. Arientyl could become accustomed to the shape of it on his tongue, the ring of it in his ears, the tint of it covering his clothes and staining the skin of his sword-hand. After centuries of bowing and scraping and smiling through gritted teeth, the freedom that came with finally allowing the mask to fall was pure relief.
Who could have imagined betrayal could be so sweet?
The wet thud of his boots echoed before him down the stone hallway toward the massive hardwood door that led to the King’s chambers. So close now… so close. His hand involuntarily tightened about the grip of his sword. He allowed himself a quickening of breath as he envisioned driving the blade into the King’s heart and feeling the strong form that had ever stood in his way finally crumble, the breath of opposition finally release in vain.
He halted before the door and lifted his hand to the latch. A whisper of movement behind sent him spinning into a defensive position. The figure of a warrior stood in the center of the hallway, surrounded by the bodies of the slain, cloak hem soaking up the blood that was Arientyl’s handiwork. There was no mistaking that sword stance. Or the one it belonged to, the King’s own son.
Add on Goodreads // Watch the Book Trailer
This giveaway is super easy to enter! Since I’m trying to spread the word about Out of Darkness Rising before its release, all I ask is that you share the book somewhere online – whether you mention it in a blogpost, link to the giveaway or book trailer on facebook, or tweet about it is up to you.
If you’ve already mentioned Out of Darkness Rising in a blog post, you may count the original post as long as you share the link to your post somewhere online after the start of the contest. You can do this once a day until the end of the giveaway! Easy way to rack up those entry points and increase your chances of winning. :) I’m offering a paperback copy for the US and ebook copies for any international winners.
I’d like to get to know you better too. If you could share one random fact about yourself, what would it be? Share in the comments!
I LOVE the opening and glad you decided to do a feature on you since your super awesome! Hard to believe your novel is coming out in 2 weeks!
Thanks, Laura! The opening has been through many different versions over the years, but none of them felt quite as right as this one. I can't believe it's just two weeks! *cue excited screaming*
Ooh, that is an awesome opening (and an awesome giveaway). And that's hilarious about your horse and your purposely falling off. xD
Thanks, Sarah. Yeah, my horse and I have fun. He is quite the drama king. Every time I would unholster my gun, he'd put on quite the show. Prancing and snorting and rearing and spinning around. Stuff that would be so unhelpful if I was actually trying to shoot off him, but that really looks cool in a skit. :)
Haha, I'd like to see that.
Also, I have a question: what counts as sharing the book/giveaway? I have a blog I can share it on, but I don't have most social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc.). However, I am a member of a forum for another fantasy series- would posting about the book/giveaway there count?
Not sure how I missed this comment! You could share it on your blog. I would avoid sharing it on the forum of another fantasy series, since you don't want to steal thunder from whatever author or book it's supposed to be about.
This is so exciting!! Congratulations on the new book! As a fellow horse owner, all I can do is wince sympathetically, but I must confess that I've never fallen off for the sake of drama!
It's almost here! I'm very excited, in case you can't tell.
Falling off for the sake of drama doesn't hurt as bad as when you're actually thrown off, because you can cushion it a little bit, and I would always make my horse stop short and then come off so I wasn't flying off at high speeds. :)
Haha, your horse probably thinks you're crazy. ;) I'm excited about the release of Out of Darkness Rising, and I loved the excerpt you shared! Very intriguing.
Haha, oh yes, but he's used to me doing crazy things on him by now. :)
I am so excited to read Out of Darkness Rising, Gillian! It sounds amazing, and I absolutely love the trailer too!! It was awesome… very creative! :-)
That's so cute what your horse did, :-) Thanks for sharing; it was fun to learn some things about you, :-)
Thanks, Shantelle! I hope you enjoy it.
We had so much fun making the trailer! If I could make a trailer like that for all of my books, I would be happy. Unfortunately, some books are harder than others. :)
I wish I could say I've intentionally fallen off horses! I should just be a stunt rider in another life. :)
Not really a random fact- but I can't wait to read Out of Darkness Rising! It sounds pretty awesome!
That's a good enough random fact for me! :)
Random fact: I wish I had a horse to fall off of.
Nice. :) I think my horse wishes he had a rider who didn't make him do crazy stunts. Jousting is next on my list.
Hmmm….. Random fact? I could eat Steak every day forever!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I am erally excited for Out Of Darkness Rising!!!!! You wouldn't happen to have a Beta team woudl ya?
Thanks for the giveaway :D
Ooh, steak is pretty awesome. Not sure I could eat it every day … but maybe every other day.
Your horse sounds absolutely darling. xD
Your book looks awesome! I cannot wait to read it. :)
He is … and he knows it too. Thanks, Athelas! I hope you enjoy it.
I was on one of the trail rides where you fell off :) I was thinking "Wow, that looks really awesome!" :D I am SO excited for your book! I thought it was hilarious that Tres Maverick was Arientyl in the book trailer.
Hmm…random fact? Well, I really love Lord of the Rings (Narnia takes second place :)
Although, on second thought, that's not random :D Okay, how about I have six siblings and I'm the oldest.
One more thing: does it count for the giveaway if I share it on my online student forum? I don't have any social media. I'm afraid I couldn't link to it though, because you have to be an enrolled to student to be in the group…
SO excited about the giveaway!
Just realized that was super long…oh well :)
Haha, you were? Well, I always have way too much fun with those.
I'm glad you're excited about the book. Can't wait for you to get to read it.
That should work fine! Instead of putting a link in the blank, you can write down where you shared it, and I'll know when I see it.
Okay! Thank you!
I'm new at this blogging thing…
In order to post it on my blog, do I have to embed the rafflecopter giveaway, your preview and whatnot, or do I just provide a link for your site?
Random fact(s) about me: I have five siblings, am the eldest of the five, and thankfully haven't driven my family crazy with my obsession of books, Star Wars, and writing. :)
Thanks! God bless,
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond! You can just the share the link. It'll be a little easier than trying to embed the actual giveaway. :)
Excited for Out of Darkness Rising's release! Thanks for sharing the preview and the giveaway.
Random fact: I have recently become addicted to a Chinese TV show called The Legend of Hua Mulan. I loved the Disney version of Mulan and when my friend showed me this TV show, we decided we had to watch it, despite having to read the subtitles. It is so good!
I've noticed that when I'm watching a foreign film, eventually I forget that I'm reading the subtitles, and it's almost like I'm hearing it in English. Especially when I recall the lines afterward. I'll hear them in the character's voice, just speaking English instead of whatever language they're actually speaking. Kinda funny, huh?
Thanks for all the random fun facts you shared. You're horse sounds adorable ^_^ I think he has his own sense of humor; if he could he'd probably roll his eyes every time you fell off.
My random fact? During my childhood in Italy, my favorite pastime other than reading was catching small, wild lizards that roamed our yard. Yep. Random.
I'm sure he would if he could, lol.
Oh, that is a random fun fact. Childhood in Italy, eh? Sounds exciting!