Songkeeper is going on tour! Blog tour, that is. When Songkeeper released last year, I had high hopes of running a blog tour, but I wound up being so busy trying to meet the deadline for book three that I wasn’t able to organize one. Here we are, nearing the one year anniversary – can you believe it? – and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate! So starting on March 1st and running until the middle of April, we’re going on tour! My hope is that it will be a fun way to share more about the Songkeeper Chronicles, whet your appetite for book three (since it’s still a little ways out), and give you guys a little insider knowledge too.
(Because, let’s be honest here, who doesn’t like being in the know?)
So how will it work?
Well, I have always wanted to run an alphabet challenge for the Songkeeper Chronicles! (What is an alphabet challenge, you ask? Good question! It’s a series of posts that moves alphabetically and looks at different characters, places, and things that begin with the letter of the day: i.e. A is for Amos, B is for Birdie or Balaam, etc.) I thought it could be a fun way to explore some of the people and concepts that are built into the books. After all, you only get the very tip of the iceberg when you read a novel. There is so much more that lies beneath the actual storyline. So … we’re going to do it.
(Because, why not?)
Oh, and did I mention that there would be a giveaway? Well, there will be one … and it will be awesome.
(Now you have even more reason to be excited!!!)
If you have a blog and would be interested in hosting a stop (writing up a brief intro, uploading the post that I would send you along with a link to the giveaway, and then sharing with friends), you can sign up here or scroll down to the form below.
I plan on posting Monday-Thursday of each week, and if a spot is not claimed by another blog, I’ll be posting here. You will be able to earn points for the giveaway by visiting all of the posts, (yes, even if are you are a host site) and there will be fun Songkeeper Chronicles trivia as well!
It is going to be a blast, so mark your calendars! And don’t forget to sign up if you would like to host a stop. :)
That’s so exciting! I don’t have a blog, but I look forward to the tour and giveaway! :)
Fun! Signed up! ;) Looking forward to it! :D (And book 3… whenever that may be coming… ;))